Alien Intelligent Beings, UFO’s
A Spiritual Awakening


Thank you to all my fans and readers for being there to assist me in the Ascension Center Education Path. Thank you to all my friends and family who have endured the many years on earth in physical form. Thank you to all those people who read my articles that wanted me to write more and encouraged me.

Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris


Theresa TJ (TARA) Thurmond Morris is a known
Author/Journalist and advocate of truth regarding aliens and UFOs.

Theresa has been a professional investigator and psychic most her life. Also an
Ontologist, advisor, consultant, and intuitive reader. Theresa is a contractor and freelance writer, consultant, producer, Lecturer.
Theresa is the President of Ace Folklife Nonprofit Corporation (KY 2007). Theresa is the former president of Civitan Nonprofit Corporation (KY 2005).Theresa has been a practicing Ontologist and in Para-psychology since founding the Ascension Center and acting as President CEO, (HI 1993). Professionally became a psychic in Honolulu, Hawaii along with Psychic Network, Inc., a Spiritual World Network, and World Information Network, which included people synergistically involved (PSI) of which she graduated all courses.

Theresa is also a graduate of other secondary professional courses in the Para-psychology and paranormal fields dealing in science, Akashic field and Ufology. Theresa began teaching classes, groups, seminars, and eventually was a co-producer and psychic lecturer at the Eco-Expo in 1993 in LA, CA and again in Whole Life Expos in LA, and San Francisco. Theresa appeared as a special guest at the Whole Life Expo in New York NY in 1993. Theresa has a background in investigations, private, legal, and professional holding a certificate from Illinois Academy of Business and Public Security and actually spent 1980 trough 1994 in investigations and worked in government service obtaining an honorable discharge 1993.
Theresa's official formal identity as an investigator was made known while forming her own business in Birmingham, AL (AL 1980), called Assured Confidential Investigative Reports (ACIR). The acronym she has always used since establishing her connections in the security, investigative field while working and attending college. Theresa has worked with many entrepreneurs all over America and Canada. Theresa now works on a contract basis only as a freelance writer/journalist, and part-time copywriter for website initiators concentrating on entrepreneurial web presence and offering production coordination while placing emphasis on niche markets. Theresa is presently the producer, publisher of various websites since 2000. Theresa is an author in the paranormal and spiritual genres as a parapsychologist with forensics and investigations background. TJ also writes mysteries, crime, and romance.

Theresa has published many websites and articles that have been published worldwide on other websites for syndication. Theresa has been on television and radio shows throughout her lifetime. Theresa sees herself as a journalist, historian, researcher and registers as a writer with the government. Anthropology and Folklife are the present fields of study academically although Theresa's major is criminal justice and psychology.

Theresa is best known in the spiritual, metaphysical, world and prefers to be called an Ontologist although her friends refer to her as a shaman, seer, oracle, and psychic. Although Theresa prefers to keep an eclectic point of view in her own life, she is still considered a professional Ontologist, which is one who studies the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being. Many refer to her simply as a Folklorist. Theresa is always a motivator and promoter of the Ascension Center Educational (ACE) Folklife Project.


SHROUD OF TURIN, JESUS, ASCENSION BELIEFS, ETS TRUTH OR FOLKLORE? Theresa J. Thurmond Morris Copyrighted. April 11, 2009 - The Shroud of Turin I learned about man years ago and have kept up with those who believed in it and those who were skeptics. I also know that the shroud cloth has been through many trials and one or two fires. This can age the cloth in ways that smoke can change the carbon dating. Also, there were repairs by some of the shrouds caretakers believing that it was a good thing to do. This explains why carbon dating is not reliable. I was raised to always have an open mind. This saved me from many bad situations. I learned to read the signs. I learned to read and write on earth but I also had some supernatural experiences. One might ask what in the world are these four things have in common with heaven and space. In some peoples eyes, they all have something to do with faith, and the supernatural. This is something that will be heard about more and more in the future. Some people who are traditionalists may not agree with the words I write, and that is okay. If we all believed the same thing this world would be a boring place. There are many supernatural happenings on earth. I have always been fascinated with Jesus and how he fed all the people from only five loaves of bread and fish but the answer is not one we can totally grasp now. I believe in the Shroud of Turin. I know that as a writer, I raise subjects to talk about among various levels of thinkers. I appeal to the spiritual intellectuals most. I have always been interested in many subjects and now believe ET UFOS and Jesus have us in common. Based on everything I have been taught while living on earth, I always believed that we were given a choice whether to believe in God and whether we wanted to believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. It is an option we have because of free will. Jesus was born on earth, taught others a better way of life. Jesus taught what he knew to be his truth. His beliefs were based on his life on earth and what he believed about his Father in Heaven or space. How is this different from you or I? Some of us may not have the knowledge that Jesus was given. Some of us may not even know of Jesus. Some of us may be raised in countries that only practice certain religions and believing in Jesus and Christianity is a sin. Some people now believe that Jesus was not a real person but a status symbol. Some were called Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims to name the larger faiths.  I learned through being a seeker that there were other people who varied in their way of thinking. I learned that there were many on earth that practiced a different faith. I learned to be okay with others who thought differently than I do. As an adult, I learned that the New World Order was supposed to be evil according to many of my Christian friends. The three words made people begin novels about the future based on old books and ideas about a total world take over. Many of us thought this was a socialist attitude. Many still do.  Some of us believe that Jesus was a celestial being or Extra-Terrestrial Hybrid. Why, because he knew he was from Heaven or space and that he was born on earth. This makes him in some intelligent beings way of thinking an ET Hybrid. It took me many years trying to disprove this theory to accept that, the more I studied scriptures the more I believed. And the scriptures or letters that were written by others like Thomas, Mary, Enoch, I learned that there were many words on earth that were never shared in the Holy Bible.  I know that 90% of the people on earth believe in a God. So do I. I also believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior on Earth as my King. I am willing to give my life up for this being and what he represents to me. I believe that we are all allowed to choose whom we shall follow with our souls. That others referred to Jesus as God, and that both were spirits who once walked on earth as a real being. Jesus Christ walked the earth and was a real being. I also know that I came to earth and walked on earth and am a real being. Our spiritual, mental, and physical bodies have the same hardwiring. What makes us all different is our minds, our thoughts, and our beliefs. We can compare our physical being with the hard drive of our computer. The software the mind, and the data input and output that our spirit and consciousness is involved with as the actual thoughts and words we use in communication. It is an analogy but a good one I believe. It was my Divine Mother, the woman who is so important in Heaven and space that we do not speak her name on earth. This is part of our culture and our folklore. To many of my pagan friends they believe in Mother Nature. We should honor our world as our Divine Mother who created this world. This is also a way to believe. I also believe in a Divine Mother. Some believe that Elizabeth and Mary are divine being born on earth but placed on earth without normally being seeded through a man on earth. Jesus was said to be born this way too. I now know this is possible. I did not growing up. I took it on faith. The celestial men who chose me to train on earth introduced me to a woman of great power on earth. I was able to meet this Extra-terrestrial who was much older than I was and had a younger woman who was her assistant. She had come to earth to choose certain people to assist in the future. I learned many things about our species and about me. I had been taught why I nearly died at around the age of eight. I learned why I died when I was only twenty-two years old on earth. I learned that we as beings would learn and share more about leaving our physical bodies behind. I learned that there were many of us on earth that would be treated differently on earth and when we leave earth we are reviewed based on the way we conducted ourselves, our thoughts, and our minds on earth. This was an important lesson. I learned from celestial beings that we are all going to leave this planet one way or the other but that there is no rapture the way that some preachers and writers have taught. I learned that telepathy is simply advancement in the evolution of our species. What I know and have learned was taught to me in order that I could share various ways to communicate. I was taught that I would be a communications officer while on earth. I have seen the world of the ET UFO Community grow and to learn to embrace the world of others who may have different opinions. I know that there are people who do not believe like me and this is okay. I am here the same as everyone else to learn and review. I believe we are all like Jesus and here for a purpose. I believe that he was simply one example of how life could be if we truly understood what ascension means to us and that life goes on after this life. Life is eternal with our spirit as part of our souls progression. I have left my body on several occasions and have returned. I have left this earth and have returned. I am only one being with the same free will and free choice rights as any others. Why I bother to share my life in words as a writer is because I made a commitment to other celestial beings that looked like me and trained me to be a writer and to be strong because sharing the truth is not always easy. I learned that being an Extra Terrestrial Hybrid is only a name for an Ascension Being. I learned that being an extra-terrestrial hybrid means accepting that there is life on earth like that of others who have come before to share that life goes on after the life we have on earth. We are eternal and immortal in spirit but not in physical and the mental memories stay with us when we leave our physical bodies behind. The physical body is left behind but the mental energy or data flies with our spirit back to our eternal soul. We always love to sing in our worship services because it makes our spirits soar. I learned that although that Jesus taught to love one another and to not judge lest you will be judged that there will be others so hard wired into thinking evil about certain people, certain ways of thinking, and speaking, and there would be hard times coming my way when I began writing. This is why it takes me so long to get my words out to those who may need to know them. There is good and bad or positive and negative so we can learn. Some people now feel that if they mention the name Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior that beings will not abduct them. If this works for those who have fears then continue to use this approach. We are being watched but we are also to experience our own lives without interference or intervention from those above. I believe we have Guides as Guardian Angels or higher intelligent supreme beings or extraterrestrials. There are many television shows on the History Channel that offer support on all these subjects. Whether truth or folklore remains to be seen. We enjoy mysteries on earth and I enjoy researching the supernatural and exploring our history of earth. We all should enjoy life and what we can learn from being here so when we are reviewed we can be at peace. We cannot convince others to think or believe as we do. We can only share our own experiences and let others use them to compare their own life experiences with what they believe as their own core beliefs. But, we are all responsible for our own souls progression that we all ascension. Things change and so do we.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Ascension Center Enlightenment
Avatar Guide
For Light Workers
A Spiritual Intellectual Club
Mystics, Oracles, Prophet/Prophetess, Sages, Seers, Shamans, and Truth Seekers.

of Philosophy & Technology

Avatar Guide for Lightworkers is a work in progress. This will include the globalization process and the United Nations and UNESCO interests in Art, Culture, Education, Science, Technology,

Energy, Ethos, Etymology, Ethnology, and Folklife are five of the headings of main focus on our Ascension Center. ACES as the agreed association of copy editors society will also be something to look forward too by young writers who desire to share in the websites we shall create on the Internet and in the new media.

We are looking forward to assisting others as Social Entrepreneurs. Our target date for release is for 2013.

The deadline for discovery and input by all is December 21, 2012 time (T.) 11:11. Our Ascension Center Enlightenment World Mantra and Motto is "SHIFT AND UPLIFT FOR HEALTH AND PROSPERITY FOR ALL!"

We are sharing with those who are studying the Teachings of the Mystics including Christian Mystics, Jewish Mysticism, and all others through out time.

We have many people requesting the ACE GUIDE. We are putting great efforts into sharing all of the Ancient Mystery Schools with all the updates regarding the mystical, magical, metaphysical, and occult wisdom lacking in many of the past disciplines taught on earth. Many people could not read and write throughout the past centuries. This allowed for much confusion .

We hope that the world will desire to share health and prosperity for all.

This is our goal as Ascension Beings who are centered, well rounded, and grounded in education for earth. We are Ambassadors of Goodwill as Social Entrepreneurs assisting the Global Community with innovations and inspiration for health and prosperity.


The seven years we here about has to do with the typical seven we all here about in Time relating to the spirit on earth in time. 2013 begins the ASCENSION AGE.

THE ASCENSION CENTER - ACE GUIDE - EDUCATION and SELF-HELP Books and publishing for those who desire to know more about the future of humankind on earth. Many who desire to study ascension are about the future inspiration for all. Ascension Beings desire health and prosperity for all.

The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE FOR 2012 will include education in these areas.


Do not confuse entomology the study of insects with Etymology the study of world history. We will assist many teachers with the topics for those who desire to visit Hawaii, and learn of Lemuria and Atlantis. The New Age of Revealing and Revelation is considered the years of 2010 through 2012. Angels are welcome as philanthropists and investors in the global futures of the Ascension Center Education in self-help books and we invite authors and publishers on the web to join us in the Media Online Press (MOP) at American News Magazine Mainstream and Social Paranormal Network Guide Alternative.

2013 begins the ASCENSION AGE. David Wilcock will be speaking at a seminar in Hawaii in February. Michael Salla is also in Hawaii.

The topics discussed are a compilation, formulation of the Ancient Mystery Schools adapted to modern day words, and etymology will be a part of the future changes in the WEB and the MATRIX. Some now refer to the Critical Mass Consciousness and how everyone that is entitled to know of the God Particles in everyone and everything affects the Akashic Field. This is now being revealed to Quantum Scientists and those who are working with the Hadron Collider. There are new findings for Astronomers and new telescopes creating new awareness for us all. It is truly an age of revealing. Bodies There have been recent attempts at creating groups and associations for seminars in California and in other places around the world including Hawaii.

Honolulu is the home to the original Ascension Center and is considered the Heart of Lemuria. Many of the Hawaiian Hunas know this and feel the Hawaiian Chain of islands are cresting or sitting upon where Lemuria once resided.

If anyone has ever been to Hawaii and toured the islands where there are both whales and dolphins that live there, one can know it is truly touched and blessed.

Gil Grissom on the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation TV show is an entomologist, who is played by actor William Petersen.

Similarly, entomologist Jack Hodgins of Bones, portrayed by TJ Thyne, helps his team by analyzing insects (such as Hydrotaea) and "particulates" near to or attached to decomposed victims, often identifying the precise location a murder originally occurred; he is also an expert in botany and mineralogy.

In Arthur Conan Doyle's story, The Hound of the Baskervilles, the villain is a naturalist who collects butterflies, making him an "evil" entomologist.

There are numerous science fiction books, which have plots based on humans becoming smaller and having to deal with insects at their level.

Some examples are The Insect Warriors by Rex Dean Levie, Atta by Francis Rufus Bellamy, Bug Park by James P. Hogan, The Micronauts series by Gordon Williams, and The Forgotten Planet by Murray Leinster. The Forgotten Planets plot is twisted in that the insects are the size of men (or larger) on a planet "seeded" to prepare it for human habitation. Robert Asprin wrote The Bug Wars, a novel about war between reptiles and insects on an interplanetary scale.

We are going into what are called precession years. This will include

The new discoveries of old and ancient information through science,

Technology and discoveries of future inventions.

It is our desire to share in the awareness of ascension cultural

Education. We plan to do this via the Internet or World Wide Web.

There is so much changing now that we should be involved with art,

Culture, education, science, technology, and the religions of

Humankind on earth.

We are going through global change and will need everyone to improve

Innovations and involvement.

The Large Hadron Collider is the picture of the 21st century that will

Lead the way into our new discoveries of the weak and strong nuclear

Forces in the universe. This will deal with the global environment,

International world governmental changes and future discoveries on

Earth. Some may include the knowledge of reverse engineering from

Extraterrestrial technology.

We are doing this internationally now as we can see due to the recent

Earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010. We cannot change history but

We can learn from our mistakes.

The Red Cross is the one organization that we can count on in the world.

The United Nations is also one organization along with UNESCO for education.

We will need more involvement during these years that will involve

The OLYMPIC TEAMS to inspire us and to share hope.

There are new words on websites springing up daily in the world. The new buzzwords with the new marketing and media online have not been able to keep up with all the new words. We will need a new Global Lexicon and WORLD WIDE DICTIONARY.

We will need improvements in our Lexicography skills. There are now new

Improvements in our entertainment media. We have seen some innovations that we have enjoyed with computer graphics and simulations in a lifelike film called Avatar. We will desire more movies such as Avatar and maybe Steven Spielberg could make a Close Encounters II or the Fourth Kind has been made so maybe Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. This new 3D movie was a wonderful contribution to the 21st


During the past in American when we were at war and/or in a recession

We used the theater and movies to inspire us to a better way of life

With movie stars on the big silver screen who had a life we could only

Dream about and desire, which inspired hope for the future.

We have always enjoyed our movies and these can now be seen in various

Ways on television via satellite, internet computers, and yet, we

Still want to go share in a social event with our friends and families

In theaters in America. This has been engraved as part of our American


The Ascension Center Education will be a part of the future and is

Concentrating on the time prior to the date of December 21, 2012,

11:11 AM as the sun passes over our part of the world. The light will

Restore parts of our DNA that have been lacking and those born after

This time on earth will be the new human beings with knowledge

Abilities that include the future in 3D and Virtual Imaging in the


Many call this Ascension Age, which is called that for the awareness the time on earth, brings about the truth as it is restored in correcting history with our past knowledge clarified with the assistance of avatar oracles.

The topics shared in a guide we will be sharing in the new World

Information Network (WIN) to inspire Social Entrepreneurs of the

Future on the Internet. We are a Global Community that is rebuilding

Ourselves through new information, knowledge, reconstruction, and

Imagining ourselves in the future. This projection and new telepathic

Waves we use to connect to the Akashic Field of Everything in the

Universe will be not only felt but also discovered to be a real energy in

The smallest forms of matter and antimatter in science.

Some of the topics below are what many people are now interested in as

We create new scripts for our enjoyment and entertainment social media

Networks. We will all become students as seekers and teachers as seers

Around the world. Global Community Culture is dealing with art,

Culture, education, science, technology, social entrepreneurs, and

creating new professions and careers for the future of our children.

The following is in no specific order as we are still compiling topics and subjects for Neophytes from our Ascension Center Authority though December 21, 2012 T. 11:11 DEADLINE - ASCENSION CENTER AVATAR GUIDE FOR LIGHT WORKERS IN THE ASCENSION AGE

ASCENSION AGE begins on DECEMBER 21, 2012 T. 11:11

The most dramatic changes are being revealed now in articles on Social Paranormal Network Guide at



Ascension Cultural Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR)













Alien Contact

Alien Technology


Amen Unity

Amnesty-Human Rights

Ancient Cultures


Religions and Paths to Salvation













Pole Shifts

Near Earth Objects

Planet Nibiru






Ascension DNA Code Activation

Ascension Consciousness Awakening

Ascension Body -Mind-Spirit Activism

AUTHORS/Web Publishers



Light workers

Star Babies

Star People



Area 51

Dulce Base


All New Mexico Bases



Pine Gap




Johnson Manned Spacecraft Center

Cape Canaveral






Internet Use


Building a Website

Starting a Business

Social Networks





Ancient & Present


Ghost Hunters


Psychic Mediums



Spirit Guides


ET Disclosure Project



Government Cover Ups

Conspiracy Theories



Levitation of Spirit

Mental Telepathy

Migrations of Birds


Psi miracles

Spirits of electricity

God Particle


Time Displacement


Organized divination


Extraterrestrial Education

Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings

Extra biological Beings (EBENS)




Futurists Theories




New Age Culture






Hollow Earth Society

Mayan Calendar




Hollow Earth


New World Order


Ghosts Energy Apparitions

Ascension Channels

Shroud of Turin



Origin of Religions



Thinking of primitive people


History, Gods, Pharaohs, Priests, Monuments

Ideas of Death & Last Judgment



Creed, Jesus, Dogma, Catholicism, Reformation, Present


Jewish Creed, Ethics, Talmud, Mysticism


History, Origin, Mohammedan Mysticism,


Basic Modes between humankind & Deities



Preanimistic Theory

Theory of Original Monotheism

Magic & Religion

Celts & Slavs






Japanese Buddhism




Extinct Religions

Teutonic Gods

Ideas of Death

Magic of Runes

Biblical Revelations


All isms











Star gates

Time Travel


Zechariah Sitchen










The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE OF ETIOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, ETHOS, ENTOMOLOGY, ETYMOLOGY. Do not confuse entomology the study of insects with Etymology the study of word history. We will assist many teachers with the topics for those who desire to visit Hawaii, and learn of Lemuria and Atlantis. The New Age of Revealing and Revelation is considered the years of 2012 thru 2012. 2013 begins the ASCENSION AGE. David Wilcock will be speaking at a seminar in Hawaii in February. Michael Salla is also in Hawaii.

The topics discussed are a compilation, formulation of the Ancient Mystery Schools adapted to modern day words, and etymology will be a part of the future changes in the WEB and the MATRIX. Some now refer to the Critical Mass Consciousness and how everyone that is entitled to know of the God Particles in everyone and everything affects the Akashic Field. This is now being revealed to Quantum Scientists and those who are working with the Hadron Collider. There are new findings for Astronomers and new telescopes creating new awareness for us all. It is truly an age of revealing.

This is the latest topics for the ACE GUIDE to be published for release 2013. Ascension Beings are about health and prosperity for all. We are Social Entrepreneurs sharing innovation and inspiration in the Global Community.

Zero Point Energy
In a quantum mechanical system such as the particle in a box or the quantum harmonic oscillator, the lowest possible energy is called the zero-point energy. According to classical physics, the kinetic energy of a particle in a box or the kinetic energy of the harmonic oscillator may be zero if the velocity is zero. Quantum mechanics with its uncertainty principle implies that if the velocity is measured with certainty to be exactly zero, the uncertainty of the position must be infinite. This either violates the condition that the particle remain in the box, or it brings a new potential energy in the case of the harmonic oscillator. To avoid this paradox, quantum mechanics dictates that the minimal velocity is never equal to zero, and hence the minimal energy is never equal to zero.
Does electromagnetic zero-point energy exist, and if so, are there any practical applications and does it have any connection with dark energy? The theoretical basis for electromagnetic zero-point energy is clear.
According to Sciama (1991):
Even in its ground state, a quantum system possesses fluctuations and an associated zero-point energy, since otherwise the uncertainty principle would be violated. In particular the vacuum state of a quantum field has these properties. For example, the electric and magnetic fields in the electromagnetic vacuum are fluctuating quantities.
The Casimir Effect is an example of a one-loop effect in quantum electrodynamics that can be simply explained by the zero-point energy. It is precisely localizable differences in the zero-point energy that may prove to be of some practical use and that may be the basis of dark energy phenomena. Moreover it has also been found that asymmetries in the zero-point field that appear upon acceleration may be associated with certain properties of inertia, gravitation and the principle of equivalence Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff (1994); Rueda and Haisch (1998); Rueda and Haisch (2005)
Lastly, insights may be offered on certain quantum properties (Compton wavelength, de Broglie wavelength, spin) and on mass-energy equivalence (E=mc2) if it proves to be the case that zero-point fluctuations interact with matter in a phenomenon identified by Erwin Schrödinger known as zitterbewegung (Haisch and Rueda 2000; Haisch, Rueda and Dobyns 2001; Nickisch and Mollere 2002).
As intriguing as these latter possibilities are, the first order of business is to unambiguously detect and measure zero-point energy. While a Casimir experiment such as that of Forward (1984) can in principle measure energy that may be attributed to the existence of real zero-point energy, there are alternative explanations involving source-source quantum interactions in place of real zero-point energy (see Milonni 1994). To move beyond this ambiguity of interpretation experiments that will test for the reality of measurable zero-point energy will need to be devised.
Cultural References
In the Justice League Episode, 'Hereafter', Vandal Savage had taken over the world and invented a Zero Point Generator in the boredom of immortality which was used to power a time machine to transport Superman back to the present.
In the movie 'The Incredibles', the villain Syndrome uses a ray that can immobilize an opponent, suspending him in mid-air. Director Brad Bird, speaking in a DVD commentary, says that in searching for a name for the device (or at least a better one than "the Immobi-ray"), he came across and used a reference to "zero-point energy", which Syndrome himself uses to describe his weapon. (Of course, this is simply a cool name rather than a practical application at this time!)
In the computer game Half-Life 2, one of the weapons used by the player is the "Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator", better known by its nickname the "Gravity Gun". It allows the user to pick up and launch any medium-sized objects, and was used to market the game's detailed physics engine.
The television show Stargate SG-1 and the spinoff, Stargate Atlantis also makes references to zero-point energy in the form of Zero Point Modules or ZPMs. These ZPMs extract energy from small artificially-created subspaces are used to power the technology of the Ancients, such as the energy shield which protects the city of Atlantis and powering the Stargate with sufficient power to allow travel to the Pegasus Galaxy. The Ancients also attempted to extract zero-point energy directly from their own universe in Project Arcturus.
Another television series called ZERO.POINT is in development that centers around the machinations of a quantum physicist searching for zero-point energy technology and a drifter who wanders in perfect synchronicity.
In Marvel Comic's "Ultimate Secret" issue one, the disguised Captain Mahr-vell has helped humans develop a star drive based on ZPE. He offhandedly remarks that quantum wave fluctuations were discovered to cause inertia, which is the SED Hypothesis (covered here).
In the second season of the television series 'Alias', Sydney Bristow is tasked to retrieve a music box that supposedly contains a formula for zero-point energy.
In '3001: The Final Odyssey,' by Arthur C. Clarke humanity is tapping zero point energy (or vacuum energy as it's called in the book). Human astronomers observed an explosion of a far-away star, and on further investigation found that the detonation started at one of the planets which destabilized the star itself. This event gives the characters nightmares, as it was assumed that some alien race was using zero-point energy and lost control.
ZPE is also a potential energy source of interest to independent researchers outside of mainstream research entities, such as the late Eugene Mallove, and figures into discussions on radio programs such as Coast to Coast AM.
Reference: Wikipedia


We enjoy sharing our articles we find elsewhere and we should also share our own personal views and opinions for others to gain insight.


Mysticism is not the same as what we commonly call the occult.  Occult is the word we use for unknown wisdom or beyond ordinary understanding. 2. Secret; known only to the initiated. 3. Dealing with the supernatural or magical; the occult sciences. Something occult or supernatural such as the Bible Codes.

There are all types of mystics including Jews and Christians. Various Faiths have had their own great philosophers and etymologists that are considered holy beings and those who study the “World” and the “word” - whatever that may be!

To obviate is to meet and clear away, as difficulties; make unnecessary. This is  a short article to share in the future with others who are authors interested in the social paranormal network as we go forth sharing our own opinions and views of  those on earth who have came before.

This is all we do since we are left here to explore.


We will include sharing instruction with other writers who desire to participate on Social and

This new way of sharing our stories shall increase awareness and insight into others opinions and views of the following:


St. John of the Cross
St. Teresa of Avila

Buddhists Texts
The Upanishads

Arthur Koestler
Dionysius The Areopagite
Farid Al-Din Attar
Jalal Al-Din Rumi
Jan Van Ruysbroeck
Meister Eckhart
Professor D. T. Suzuki

Mystical Writings of the World
And The Teachings of the Mystics, Selections from the Great Mystics and Mystical Writings of the World.

Jewish Mysticism

What is called Jewish Mysticism by the major authorities on the subject does not in a general way conform to the pattern of mysticism as unfolded in most books.
"If this research of the Torah Codes is born out, behold this is
the greatest discovery of three hundred years of scientific research."
Professor Robert I. Aumann, famous mathematician and Nobel Prize award, member of the
National Academy of Science of America

The Torah Codes, popularly known as Bible Codes, show us that the Torah has some commentary on events that happen in our living history. These events are hidden with in the text and we have extracted many of the events contained in them. It is remarkable that a text over 3300 years old contains events that happen thousands of years later. This has caused significant controversy and as a result there are many bible code skeptics.

Who is behind the codes? Where do they come from and what do the all mean? This is for you to work out on an individual basis. This site provides the evidence you now decide what it all means to you.

Meister Eckhart: A Modern Translation, translated by R. B. Blakney, New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1941, p.xxiv


The Awakening of Faith is a way of life for those who desire to know more of the Ascension Center. We call this a way of enlightenment.

Meister Eckhart one of the Great Mystics written about lived in Germany (1260-1328) and was considered one of the well known Christian Mystics.

More later. Ran out of time. TJ